Secret to Potty Training Small Dogs and Older Dogs


The art and science of adopting a dog can run the gamut of two ends: puppy or adult. Potty training an older dog is just as real an issue as trying to potty train a young pup. Just don't fall prey to the old adage that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. This just is not true. First off, potty training isn't a trick, it's a discipline, and one that older dogs can learn just as easily as a younger dog.

So, what's the “trick” to potty training an older dog? Here are some tips:

As with real estate, potty training your older dog is all about location. Preferably outside. Teach your adult dog to eliminate their waste in the yard and not in the house. Keep in mind that when dealing with an adult dog, training them to do something new, rather than to not do something is a lot easier. Old habits really do die hard with adult dogs, so if your dog is already used to going potty in the house, your job in training your adult dog is not to stop going on the living room carpet, but instead to go outside. An alternative choice, rather than to stop doing what has become a habit already.

As with most dog training techniques, consistency is key to your success. Same goes with potty training. Being consistent here means showing your adult dog that it has a special place, its own outdoor bathroom, where it is to get the job done, every time. A small spot in the yard would be ideal. Repetitive visits to the same place will give your dog a reference that it can build upon to learn where it is expected to go potty. And, as harsh as it sounds, keeping the place unclean until your dog gets used to using the spot as its potty will help train your dog easier.

Keep your vocabulary consistent, too. Don't use a lot of different words when describing “going poo” to your adult dog You don't want your adult dog getting confused about the matter. Think of it as issuing other types of commands, like sit and stay. In this case…potty. Or something like it. Just pick a word or phrase and keep it the same.

If a potty malfunction does happen in the house, get rid of the evidence as soon as possible. Because a dog's snout is highly sensitive, it might confuse the smell of urine or feces as the potty smell, and therefore the potty spot. Cleaning with a deodorizing agent should help here.

Adult dogs do not want to sleep where they potty. So arrange their sleeping quarters in such a way that they can sleep there, maybe move around a little, but nothing else. Then, when your dog wakes up in the morning, get into the habit of taking your dog outside to its special potty spot, so that it gets used to where to go when nature calls.

As with human adults, adult dogs shouldn't eat as much food, or drink as much water, right before bedtime. This will keep your dog from having an accident while it is sleeping. You don't want to test the theory that your adult dog would be capable of racing out of the house to its special spot in the yard in the middle of the night.

This brings us to the access your dog will need to reach its special potty spot. For this, you will want to install a doggie door or, as my next door neighbor does, just leave the door open. Of course, not all neighborhoods lend the atmosphere of safety and security that my neighbor has, so if neither the doggie door nor the open door will work safely and securely for you, then you will need some type of notifier that you can teach your dog to use to let you know that it is potty time. A bell or similar noisemaker would be perfect. One “ringle” to go “tingle.”

Potty training an older dog is just a matter of you not being lazy. Use these tips, mixed with a lot of love, and a lot more patience, and you will do fine in training your dog to go doo.

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